To view your loads on the NEXT app, click on My Loads in the app menu.
The loads you have booked from the NEXT marketplace are viewable here. Click on the Load Summary for your current load. For jobs containing multiple loads, such as roundtrip or multi-stop jobs, you'll find both loads on the My Loads list.
Notice there are tabs below the Dates for the load. The Load Summary is the default tab, followed by 2nd tab (Pickup Action) and 3rd tab (Delivery Action).
Load Summary tab
In the locations drop down, you have access to review the Origin and Destination addresses, dates, times, and required actions.
- Pickup Action (i.e. Pickup or Live Load)
- Delivery Action (i.e. Drop or Live Unload)
Details for Job#
In the job details drop down, you can easily review all of the load specifics.
- View BOL
- View Rate Contract
NOTE: Clicking on the icon next to the BOL# or Rate Contract to open the in-app document viewer.
This section will include any additional notes that you will need to know in order to complete this job.
Load Specifications
Some loads have special traits or require non-standard service. The Load Specification icons indicate these traits:
Pickup Action tab
Click on the 2nd tab to see the pickup details for this job.
Delivery Action tab
Click on the 3rd tab to see the delivery details for this job.